5 Important Reasons To Create A Website For Your Music

In today's world, social media is a big deal, and platforms like TikTok are booming in 2023. So, you might wonder if musicians still need a website for their music. Well, the answer is a clear "yes," and we'll explain why in simple terms.

A Place You Control Completely

Building websites has gotten easier, and it doesn't cost much to get a reliable host. This means you can quickly create your online space. The best part? You're the boss here!

Unlike social media, which can change or disappear, your music website stays as long as you pay a small fee for your web address and hosting. You get to decide how your website looks and what it shows, without distractions like ads or notifications.

Social media is like a party, and you should be there to be seen. But your website is your home where you can invite people back to.

Show Who You Are and Connect

Your brand is essential in the digital age. While you can put up pictures on social media, it's tough to convey your brand's deeper aspects or your mission.

Your website is like inviting fans into your home. It's a chance to show your personality, the meaning behind your music, and more. It's the only place where people can fully learn about you without distractions.

Make Money from Your Music and Stuff

Some musicians struggle to make money from their music, but having a website can change that. You can sell your music, merchandise like CDs or T-shirts, or even offer things like guitar lessons. The setup is easy and doesn't cost much.

If you don't sell your merch on your website, where will your fans buy it?

Get Found on Google and YouTube with SEO

It's essential for fans to find you online. While it's okay if they find your Facebook page through Google, it's cooler if they visit your website, where everything is organized.

Creating content around your brand makes you easier to find online. It takes time, but if you keep at it, your hard work will pay off.

Think of it as protecting your brand. Everything you create is yours, and your website is the central place for it all.

Build an Email List

Not everyone will buy from your website right away. Some are still getting to know you. So, it's a good idea to invite visitors to join your email list for special updates. You can offer something free to entice them.

As your email list grows, you'll build stronger connections with your website visitors. They might become your biggest fans and buy everything you create.

In Conclusion

These are just some of the reasons to have a website. As an artist, having your own website is like having your own home on the internet. It gives you control and helps you reach your goals.

So, even if you spend a lot of time on social media, don't forget to set up your online home (your website). Your fans will appreciate it.


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